Patrik Kőlbl

Patrik Kőlbl

Symfony Developer, Nuxt.js 3, OpenSearch, API, AMQP Docker & Kubernetes, Terraform
How to set REMOTE_ADDR from HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_FORWARDED_FOR header when going through EZOIC proxy cache

How to set REMOTE_ADDR from HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_FORWARDED_FOR header when going through EZOIC proxy cache

Prerequisites: * kubernetes ingress * your varnish proxy cache * Symfony PHP application 1. Edit your global Kubernetes Ingress Config Map in namespace ingress-nginx named nginx-configuration [] and add use-forwarded-headers: true 2. In your Varnish proxy in section sub vcl_recvadd if (req.http.
1 min read
How to Auto Scroll in long Autocomplete list when keyPress Up and Down

How to Auto Scroll in long Autocomplete list when keyPress Up and Down

You have to add attribute tabindex="-1" and set .focus() on active element. Look at my patch here autofocus to selected element · ashokvishwakarma/preact-typeahead@2dc53c3A TypeHead component for Preact. Contribute to ashokvishwakarma/preact-typeahead development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHubashokvishwakarma
1 min read
How to autoreload Varnish Cache backends when Kubernetes Deployment changed

How to autoreload Varnish Cache backends when Kubernetes Deployment changed

You can use - Github README [] Necessary configuration when RBAC is enabled: * create ServiceAccount: kubectl --kubeconfig kube_config_cluster.yml -n web create serviceaccount varnish-watcher * create ClusterRole + ClusterRoleBinding: kubectl --kubeconfig kube_config_cluster.yml apply -f
2 min read