How to Search across multiple ElasticSearch Indexes with Symfony FOS\ElasticaBundle

How to Search across multiple ElasticSearch Indexes with Symfony FOS\ElasticaBundle

ElasticSearch v6.0 deprecated multiple types in one index. You can read more here: Removal of mapping types

How to deal with this breaking change?

Create MultiIndex.php file in your Symfony App project



 * Created by <insekticid AT>

namespace App\Search\Elastica;

use Elastica\Exception\InvalidException;
use Elastica\Index;
use Elastica\ResultSet\BuilderInterface;
use Elastica\Search;

class MultiIndex extends Index
     * Array of indices.
     * @var array
    protected $_indices = [];

     * Adds a index to the list.
     * @param \Elastica\Index|string $index Index object or string
     * @throws \Elastica\Exception\InvalidException
     * @return $this
    public function addIndex($index)
        if ($index instanceof Index) {
            $index = $index->getName();

        if (!is_scalar($index)) {
            throw new InvalidException('Invalid param type');

        $this->_indices[] = (string) $index;

        return $this;

     * Add array of indices at once.
     * @param array $indices
     * @return $this
    public function addIndices(array $indices = [])
        foreach ($indices as $index) {

        return $this;

     * Return array of indices.
     * @return array List of index names
    public function getIndices()
        return $this->_indices;

     * @param string|array|\Elastica\Query $query
     * @param int|array                    $options
     * @param BuilderInterface             $builder
     * @return Search
    public function createSearch($query = '', $options = null, BuilderInterface $builder = null)
        $search = new Search($this->getClient(), $builder);
        $search->setOptionsAndQuery($options, $query);

        return $search;

Create App\Search\Transformer\ElasticaToModelTransformerCollection.php (removed from FosElasticaBundle)


namespace App\Search\Transformer;

use FOS\ElasticaBundle\HybridResult;
use FOS\ElasticaBundle\Transformer\ElasticaToModelTransformerInterface;

 * Holds a collection of transformers for an index wide transformation.
 * @author Tim Nagel <[email protected]>
 * @author Insekticid <[email protected]>
class ElasticaToModelTransformerCollection implements ElasticaToModelTransformerInterface
     * @var ElasticaToModelTransformerInterface[]
    protected $transformers = [];

     * @param ElasticaToModelTransformerInterface[] $transformers
    public function __construct(array $transformers)
        $this->transformers = $transformers;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getObjectClass(): string
        return implode(',', array_map(function (ElasticaToModelTransformerInterface $transformer) {
            return $transformer->getObjectClass();
        }, $this->transformers));

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getIdentifierField(): string
        return array_map(function (ElasticaToModelTransformerInterface $transformer) {
            return $transformer->getIdentifierField();
        }, $this->transformers)[0];

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function transform(array $elasticaObjects)
        $sorted = [];
        foreach ($elasticaObjects as $object) {
            $sorted[$object->getIndex()][] = $object;

        $transformed = [];
        foreach ($sorted as $type => $objects) {
            $transformedObjects = $this->transformers[$type]->transform($objects);
            $identifierGetter = 'get'.ucfirst($this->transformers[$type]->getIdentifierField());
            $transformed[$type] = array_combine(
                    function ($o) use ($identifierGetter) {
                        return $o->$identifierGetter();

        $result = [];
        foreach ($elasticaObjects as $object) {
            if (array_key_exists((string) $object->getId(), $transformed[$object->getIndex()])) {
                $result[] = $transformed[$object->getIndex()][(string) $object->getId()];

        return $result;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function hybridTransform(array $elasticaObjects)
        $objects = $this->transform($elasticaObjects);

        $result = [];
        for ($i = 0, $j = count($elasticaObjects); $i < $j; ++$i) {
            if (!isset($objects[$i])) {
            $result[] = new HybridResult($elasticaObjects[$i], $objects[$i]);

        return $result;

Refactor fos_elastica.yaml and move all types from the same index to your newly created index (separate it).


  • before: index:recipes, types: [recipe, recipes]
  • after:
    • index: recipe, type: recipe
    • index: recipes, type: recipes

Now add MultiIndex service into services.yaml file in config directory and change recipe and recipes to your newly created index names.

            $name: 'recipe'
            - [ addIndices, [['@fos_elastica.index.recipe', '']]]

    Elastica\SearchableInterface: '@App\Search\Elastica\MultiIndex'

            - {
                recipe: '@fos_elastica.elastica_to_model_transformer.recipe',
                recipes: ''

    FOS\ElasticaBundle\Transformer\ElasticaToModelTransformerInterface: '@FOS\ElasticaBundle\Transformer\ElasticaToModelTransformerCollection'

    FOS\ElasticaBundle\Finder\TransformedFinder: ~
        #    - '@App\Search\Elastica\MultiIndex'
        #    - '@FOS\ElasticaBundle\Transformer\ElasticaToModelTransformerCollection'

    FOS\ElasticaBundle\Finder\PaginatedFinderInterface: '@FOS\ElasticaBundle\Finder\TransformedFinder'

Now create SearchRepository.php



use Elastica\Query\Match;
use FOS\ElasticaBundle\Repository;

class SearchRepository extends Repository
    public function search(string $searchTerm, int $page = 1, int $limit = 48) : ?array
        if ($searchTerm) {
            $fieldQuery = new Match();
            $fieldQuery->setFieldQuery('name', $searchTerm);
            $items     = $this->findPaginated($fieldQuery);

            return $items;

        return null;

Now you can use this repository in your Controller



namespace App\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use App\Repository\SearchRepository;

class SearchController extends AbstractController
     * @var SearchRepository
    protected $searchRepository;

    public function __construct(SearchRepository $searchRepository)
        $this->searchRepository = $searchRepository;

Github issues Multiple index paginated search #1521, Multi type search to multi index search #1385