How to download full PDF from

Do not forget to disconnect from internet before you open developer tools! otherwise that page will ban you!
Open file manual page that you want to download, confirm bot protection from CloudFlare and load inpage PDF VIEWer.

Disconnect from internet and open developers console (F12). Switch to sources tab (Chrome,Edge) or Debugger (Firefox) and press ctrl+P in developer tools (otherwise you will print the page and we do not want it!!) and it will prompt you to open file and put pdf.worker.js

Then press ctrl+g in developer console and put number 3423 or find method loadResources
and click on the line number 3423 and it will activate javascript breakpoint colored with blue arrow.

After that start scrolling inside PDF document. You have to open page in PDF, that you have not seen before! Otherwise breakpoint will not trigger!
Now your blue colored arrow in developer console will trigger and you can debug application. Move cursor to `objectLoader` and right click on it, select add watch expression
and now you can use that variable in console.
Now switch to console tab in developer tools and type to console allow pasting

Now you can use debugger console, type in objectLoader
and press enter.

Now you can steal PDF from browser memory buffer with this command written into console
a=document.createElement('a'),".pdf",a.href=URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([], {type:'application/actet-stream'})),

After that download will start or browser should open that PDF in new Windows.

Do not forget to disconnect from internet before you open developer tools! otherwise that page will ban you!

If you want to download more PDF, simple open all manuals in new tabs and confirm one by one CloudFlare bot protection. Do it slowly one by one, otherwise another rate limiter will ban you. After all manuals are loaded, disconnect from the internet!

In Brave browser you have to disable all protections and change browser user agent to Chrome, otherwise CloudFlare protection will never show.