Longhorn - Kubernetes persistent volume storage

You can deploy Longhorn persistent volume storage via kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/longhorn/v0.3-rc/deploy/longhorn.yaml
Destroying is not that easy. If you run kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rancher/longhorn/v0.3-rc/deploy/longhorn.yaml
command, you will stuck on infinite removing ĺonghorn-system
Run kubectl get customresourcedefinition --all-namespaces | grep long
after kubectl delete command above.
You shoud get this list:
- engineimages.longhorn.rancher.io
- engines.longhorn.rancher.io
- nodes.longhorn.rancher.io
- replicas.longhorn.rancher.io
- settings.longhorn.rancher.io
- volumes.longhorn.rancher.io
Now you have to run kubectl --kubeconfig kube_config_cluster.yml edit customresourcedefinition engineimages.longhorn.rancher.io
for every item in your list and remove finalizers
key in metadata
structure. Save it, close opened editor. Kubectl will apply your changes and edited resource will disappear.
Now check again kubectl --kubeconfig kube_config_cluster.yml get customresourcedefinition --all-namespaces | grep long
and you should not see anything. Now longhorn-system
will disappear.!
Some screenshots from my playground