SOLVED - Lenovo Thinkpad T460s black screen - burned Fuse on mainboard

I have Lenovo T460s with Intel i7 6600u and wQHD LCD 2560x1440. There is some short on mainboard and LCD will not turn on. External HDMI monitor works. I tried repair service and they did not fix it.

After 2years I found this repair video, so I disassembled my notebook and checked all fuses on mainboard with probe and microscope.


I found broken fuse F3 near 60pin flex cable on mainboard. I disassembled old Acer notebook, where I found this small 1x0.5mm fuse and resolder it to my Lenovo T460s notebook.

Burned FUSE F3 on T460s mainboard - size is 1mm

It has been surgical work! I lost 2 times this tinny little Fuse. But finally I got it!

After fuse replacement I tried original wQHD LCD - backlit turned on, but LCD is dead


I have another Lenovo, but is T470s next generation with USB-C. I hoped, that LCD could be swapped between those two notebooks (but it has only full HD resolution 1980x1020). So I disconnected 60pin LCD Flex cable from T470s and connected it to repaired T460s and powered it on.

T470s with T460s repaired mainboard on top of it connected to its 60pin FHD LCD flex cable

And voila! It works!@@@@

Acer mainboard on the right - I got fuse from it
60pin flex LCD cable from T470s
60pin flex cable in comparison with new one from Ali
Opposite side of this flex - 40pin wQHD LCD from T460s - I think that FHD from T470s will have only 30pin
Opposite side of this flex - 40pin wQHD LCD from T460s in comparison with new one from Ali
Broken wQHD LCD from T460s aka LP140QH1 (SP)(F1) or 140F2EE500V47 5P1A or FRU 00HN877 - Equivalent Part: 00HN878, 00NY406, 00NY413

Replacement LCDs

wQHD - 00HN877 - 40 PIN flex (Lenovo ThinkPad T460S T460P 14.0", ThinkPad X1 Carbon 4th Gen 14.0")

FHD - 01EN101 (N140FHM-N46 / LP140WF6(SP)(B7) / LP140WF6(SP)(B4) - T470s) - 30 PIN flex (T460 T460s T460P 14.0")

From T470s

  • 01LW010