SOLVED - Lenovo Thinkpad T460s black screen - burned Fuse on mainboard

I have Lenovo T460s with Intel i7 6600u and wQHD LCD 2560x1440. There is some short on mainboard and LCD will not turn on. External HDMI monitor works. I tried repair service and they did not fix it.
After 2years I found this repair video, so I disassembled my notebook and checked all fuses on mainboard with probe and microscope.
I found broken fuse F3 near 60pin flex cable on mainboard. I disassembled old Acer notebook, where I found this small 1x0.5mm fuse and resolder it to my Lenovo T460s notebook.

It has been surgical work! I lost 2 times this tinny little Fuse. But finally I got it!

I have another Lenovo, but is T470s next generation with USB-C. I hoped, that LCD could be swapped between those two notebooks (but it has only full HD resolution 1980x1020). So I disconnected 60pin LCD Flex cable from T470s and connected it to repaired T460s and powered it on.

And voila! It works!@@@@

Replacement LCDs
wQHD - 00HN877 - 40 PIN flex (Lenovo ThinkPad T460S T460P 14.0", ThinkPad X1 Carbon 4th Gen 14.0")
- 00HN877
- 00HN878
- 00NY406 - Panasonic
- 00NY413 - LG
FHD - 01EN101 (N140FHM-N46 / LP140WF6(SP)(B7) / LP140WF6(SP)(B4) - T470s) - 30 PIN flex (T460 T460s T460P 14.0")
- 00NY447
- 00NY422
- 00NY673
- 01EN101
- 01EN000
From T470s
- 01LW010